Messaging API

Your solution to integrate SMS, WhatsApp, Email, and Voice sending into your platform.

Our Messaging API allows automating the sending of SMS , WhatsApp , Email , and voice calls , ensuring effective communication with your clients.
API designed for developers who need a provider with fast, secure, and scalable integration .

Stable connection, global delivery, and guaranteed scalability for developers and businesses seeking a reliable and powerful solution.

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Integrate and send your communications through our Messaging API

Connect and automate your communication with our API

Discover how our messaging API allows you to easily integrate SMS, WhatsApp, Email, and Voice into your system, optimizing message delivery and enhancing interaction with your clients.

API Security with ISO 27001
APIs for developers

Register now and optimize your communication with our messaging API

Integrate SMS, WhatsApp, Email, and Voice sending into your platform with our powerful APIs.
Connect and automate interaction with your clients efficiently and securely.

Send SMS in a safe and automated way from your software

Integrate in few steps and obtain all the functionalities of 360NRS without the need of using the platform: customize the SMS, receive SMS, schedule sendings, check and analyze your most detailed statistics in real time. And all this, with the maximum security and at the best price.

With our http connection for the sending of SMS, you will have the most complete technological solution to make your SMS messages with total simplicity.

Documentation HTTP SMS connection

SMPP is a standard messagind protocol of the industry, designed to simplify the integration of data applications and mobile wireless networks. With this protocol you will be able to send SMS without the need of making requests.

Documentation SMPP SMS connection

Integrate the forms of 360NRS through the API REST and get to know your client in depth. You will be able to perform automatically satisfaction surveys to clients, plan events or carry out a market search or studies.

Documentation API forms HTTP

It is a simple integration that will allow you to send bulk SMS with links and web pages or mobile landings through our API landing SMS.
You can customize the content displayed by the landing using different parameters, making your communication different for each recipient.

Dcoumentation API Landing Page Server

Send WhatsApp Business messages securely and automatically from your software

Integrate in a few steps and get all the functionalities of 360NRS without the need to use the platform: send WhatsApp templates, receive responses, consult conversations, automate interactions, and analyze statistics in real time with maximum security and at the best price.

With our HTTP connection for sending WhatsApp templates, you will have a complete solution to automate your communications with clients efficiently and scalably.

WhatsApp Business API Documentation

Consult, manage, and respond to conversations in real time with the WhatsApp Business conversation management API.

Conversation Management API Documentation

Get a complete listing of messages sent and received through the WhatsApp Business message query API.

Message Query API Documentation

Integrate mailing sendings on any platform with our API

Send from your own Software campaigns or e-mail actions and get benefit of the advantages that our own development has for the integration. Through the API E-mail 360NRS you will not miss a single opportunity to increase your sales and grow your customer's loyalty.

Make all kind of e-mail sendings from your own software connecting via HTTP in a simple way, validating the IP from which you would like to connect, using the user and password of 360NRS. You will be able to customize each campaign with personalized files, templates sender etc.

Documentation API of HTPP connection

With the contacts API you will be able to manage in an optimal way the data of your clients to make more effetive campaigns and communications: create and manage certain groups, filter by country, blacklists or searching a contact with an specific e-mail.

Documentation API of contacts HTTP

With this API you will be able to do a list of templates, show the new templates, create, update or remove them.

Dcoumentation API Templates HTTP

Send in a bulk way interactive calls to landlines and mobile phones through the platform

Send voice messages to all your landiline and mobile phone database in a customized way through our Voice API. Choose between different languages, choose the voice you want (male or female), programme your sendings or establish an expiry date for your calls if you want to.

In addition, you will be able to obtain the status of your sendings (Accepted, Multi-status, Bad request, Unauthorized) and retry the calls in an automated way if the recipient has not been able to attend the call.

Documentation HTTP SMS connection

It allows you to perform automatic calls through your own software. Send in a fast and direct way statements to your clients, validate transactions, etc. In addition, decrease the administration or manual verification costs and decrease frauds.

Documentation API VOICE HTTP

Maximum quality and security with the best messaging API provider


Integrate in an easy and fast way all the functionalities of 360NRS in your tool or web to do the sendings and receive results directly in your system.

Best price

Send your bulk communitactions at the best price in the market. With quality routes with delivery guaranteed in the whole world.


Your sendings or campaigns with out the need of signing in. APIs designet to be the most intuitive possible. You will be able to integrate them independently of the programming language you use.

High speed

Send in a fast and safe way. Receive delivery and status reports instantly.

24/7 support

Technical support team for developers in different languages


Our APIs are widely documented and in our web you will be able to find all the complementary information to integrate them withour issues.

More than 20 years experience

24/7 support

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